【電磁技術在線】【元件篇】- 1. 元件概覽
講師:Theunis Beukman
02:30 濾波器概覽FD3D
06:30 波導結構FEST3D
09:40 多路復用器
13:45 電路vs三維
18:20 熱仿真故障
25:10 非線性偏執鐵氧體
27:40 E-solver本征求解器
29:30 Particle 粒子求解器
31:10 行波管
33:30 磁控管
35:15 隔柵耦合器
36:50 環形共振器
38:30 IPKISS光電設計
The synthesis tool for bandpass and diplexer filter design supporting cross coupling and advanced topologies. The interactive and intuitive interface helps you to reach the design goals for your specification very quickly. Main Features of CST Filter Designer 3D:
Very user friendly and intuitive interface with advanced design and visualization features supporting equiripple or arbitrary filter and diplexer specification.
Handling of different transmission zeros; besides the normal zeros symmetric and complex transmission zero pairs are supported adding more flexibility and the ability for group delay equalizer design.
Supporting several topologies like cascaded tuplets with multiple port coupling, bandstop and cul de sac including all the special cases for symmetric and complex transmission zero pair.
Visualization and analysis of synthesized and simulated data with various plot and marking capability.
Coupling matrix extraction from simulated and measured scattering parameters for filter optimization and tuning.
Advanced analysis for synthesized, extracted and user edited coupling matrix.
Fest3D is able to efficiently analyse different type of passive microwave
structures in waveguide technology. Basically, Fest3D is based on an integral
equation technique combined with the Method of Moments. Additionally, the
Boundary Integral-Resonant Mode Expansion (BI-RME) method is employed for
extracting the modal chart of waveguides with non-canonical shapes. These
methods ensure a high degree of accuracy as well as reduced computational
resources (in terms of CPU time and memory).
The user can analyze a wide range of passive components with Fest3D:
Filters (dual-mode, evanescent, bandstop, interdigital, waffle-iron...)
Dual-mode filters
Waffle-iron filters
Evanescent filters
Power Dividers
Bandstop filters
Infinite phased array antennas
Spark3D is a general software tool for Radio Frequency (RF) breakdown analysis. It is based on powerful and accurate numeric algorithms for predicting both Corona (arcing) and Multipactor breakdown onsets, which are two of the main high power effects that can severely damage a device. In this context, it is the final objective of this software tool to help the microwave components designing/manufacturing industries to decrease both the time to market and the development costs for the next generation of communication systems.
Besides, Spark3D, is also able to incorporate arbitrary external DC fields to the simulation, either Electric or Magnetic, computed with CST EM Studio(R) and with ANSYS(R) MAXWELLTM, or by importing rectangular CSV format mesh files.
Spark3D offers a great versatility and is the first commercial software capable to compare high power results using different electromagnetic kernels.